Friday, September 7, 2012

Prayer Break- Lord I'm Available!

Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. -James 4:7

Dear God,  I thank you!  I Bless you!  You are worthy!  You are awesome!  Thank you for being everything that I needed even when I didn't recognize it was you.  Thank you God for drying tears, for opening doors, for making all things possible, and for being my shield.  I come to you today God to surrender.  I surrender my will to your will.  I surrender my thoughts to your thoughts.  I surrender my way to your way God.  I Surrender All.  I lay my total being at your feet asking that you just use me as you see fit.  I am tired of trying to do everything on my own.  I give up God.  Lord, I'm available to you because I want to be a blessing to your people and to your kingdom.  I realize that all that I am and ever hope to be is because of you God.  I make myself available to work, love, inspire and encourage in any way, shape, or form that you see fit.  I pray for the strength, courage, and wisdom to no longer resist your call and anointing upon my life.  Here I am God, send me!  - Amen

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